Statistical Information

The EMU has collected, updated and published statistics on its website and in diverse publications regularly since 2000. The information contained in the present booklet is based on the results of an online questionnaire sent to the member associations in 2011.

Given the immense structural and organizational diversity of the music school associations in the 26 member countries of the EMU, it is not possible to collect comprehensive data regarding all the questions and issues. Nevertheless, this publication contains substantial information in the form of tables, graphs and charts with commentary, providing accurate and extensive insight into the different ways in which publicly supported music schools operate and function in Europe.

The contact addresses of all the member associations of the EMU are listed in this booklet, and if more detailed information is required, we invite the reader to make use of the possibility to contact individual associations directly.

Our wish is that this information will be widely disseminated and used as a tool for advocacy and communication at local, national and international levels, within and outside the member countries of the EMU. We are deeply grateful to all member associations and their staff for their valuable effort in making their data available for the purposes of this publication.

Helena Maffli, President of the EMU


U više navrata, od 2000. godine EMU na svom sajtu objavljuje publikacije u kojima su prikazani statistički podaci o školama u zemljama članicama. Muzičke škole u Evropi, publikacija iz 2011, ilustruje strukturalne i organizacione osobenosti muzičkih asocijacija iz 26 zemalja.

Iako nije moguće sakupiti sve postojeće informacije, publikacija je značajan izvor podataka obrađenih u obliku tabela i grafikona, sa komentarima koji daju prilično tačnu sliku o školama u Evropi.

U sklopu publikacije, štampana je Vajmarska deklaracija, kao i manifest Music makes People.



Music Schools in Europe
European Music School Union

Sadržaj ovog sajta je zaštićen autorskim pravima čiji je nosilac i koja zadržava Zajednica muzičkih i baletskih škola Srbije.